Presentation Deck Makeover for a Birdlife Trust

presentation makeover birdlife trust hero

In this video series I produce for YouTube and LinkedIn, I create a mock presentation deck of a brand, influencer or organisation I would love to work with. See how I transformed this presentation deck makeover for a bird conservation trust into stunning slides!

Before, I get into how I came up with this presentation deck makeover…I would like to tell you a short story.

When I was a young lad, I was obsessed with birdlife. You could ask me, “Hey Illiya, what’s that bird over there?” and I would be able to tell you the difference between a common tern and an arctic tern just by looking at it.

My mum took me to a workshop run by the RSPB with Bill Oddie. Bill Oddie’s a wildlife presenter and educator. At the time, he came along and did a talk about birdlife and his work with the RSPB. That’s when I signed up for my first membership.

I used to just love going out, looking at all the birds and studying them, learning about them. And I was obsessed with birdlife for such a long time. It’s a passion that has stuck with me all these years. When I go on my nature walks, I am always looking out to see what birds I can see.

Who are the RSPB?

This presentation deck makeover is for the RSPB Royal Society for the Production of Birds (RSPB).

The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds manage a nature reserve covering 150,000 ha (Hectares) around the UK, but they’re also responsible for conservation, public education and advocacy. Their mission is simple, to create a world richer in nature, which is what I am passionate about, too.

A picture of an infographic presentation slide showing the decline in UK wildlife according to the UK State of Nature Report

If you didn’t know, the UK is one of the most nature depleted countries in Europe, we have a major problem. We’ve lost a large percentage of our bird life since the 1970s. Farmland birds in the UK have halved, on average, since 1970. And right now in the UK, 50% of UK wildlife species are declining and 15% are at threat of extinction according to the 2019 State of Nature report.

Why are Presentations Important for Wildlife Conversation?

Presentations are essential for wildlife conservation efforts. They can be powerful visual stories that bring an organisation’s ideas, purpose, and cause to life. Well-made presentations are more than just slides, they can be powerful tools that move people to act, gain support, and bring about positive change in conservation.

Presentations can encourage people who are on the side lines into active participants in the goal to protect our planet’s biodiversity by easily explaining difficult environmental issues, success stories, and highlighting future problems.

presentation design makeover birdlife trust

As a wildlife conversation trust you can use presentations to help you:

  • Gain support for funding and investment from other organisations, governmental bodies and the wider public
  • Highlight key issues and challenges using visual narratives to inspire action
  • Provide speakers a visual tool to share stories and encourage people into active participants for your mission
  • Create a cohesive and impactful presentation design that mirrors the feeling, communication and purpose of your brand values
  • Send your presentation to attendees of events to provide further information and follow up to learn more about current environmental issues

Let’s see how you can transform your own content with this presentation deck makeover.

Watch the Full Design Makeover

I wanted to create a presentation design which incorporates their new branding style. Their latest rebrand incorporates fun, bright, bold colours, which can make the presentation engaging and vibrant. To keep the theme of nature throughout, I used imagery of birdlife to support the message and content that the birdlife trust share.

View the full presentation deck makeover below:

When considering you own presentation decks:

  • Use images, themes and colours that represent your content and mission
  • Don’t overwhelm your slides with too much information
  • Use easy to read, bold and impactful typography
  • Avoid using too many colours, instead stick to a core of 5-6 different colours
  • Choose images that speak to your audience and evoke emotion

I’ve tried to visualise the key points of the trust’s mission, cause and some important stats around the challenges facing the organisation and what it stands for.

The presentation doesn’t end with a thank you, instead it includes a nice looking call to action slide that will help promote membership and encourage the audience to find out more. You should always consider “What you want your audience to do next?” at the end of any presentation or Keynote talk. Don’t waste this key slide with simply a “thank you”.

Have a go yourself, why don’t you give your presentation deck a makeover?

Or if you want to create stunning looking presentations simply and quickly, you can check out some of my templates, toolkits and guides available on Gumroad. Or you can get in touch about a presentation project for might have for us.

Disclaimer: All designs are mock-ups created as to showcase my design work. I am not endorsed by or affiliated with any of the individuals, authors, or organisations featured in these videos.

Picture of Illiya Vjestica

Illiya Vjestica

Illiya has over a decade of experience helping presenters with their PowerPoint presentations. His mission is to inspire positive change in the world by creating impactful presentations. Connect on LinkedIn and subscribe on YouTube.

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